Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Runner- Post 7

Dear Carl Deuker,

I really enjoy reading your novels, especailly this one (Runner). I like how you use lower age vocabulary, but really get the suspence across every time. In Runner, I was literallly on my toes for half the book. Every time chance had to go to the rocks to do a pickup, I thought "this is it, hes going to die," but no, he keeps on living and building up the suspence until finally the terrorists get his dad instead of him. I like how in all of your books you find a really great problem to give the protagonist. Chance had so much on his shoulders that at times I really thought that he was simply going to cave and let up with the delivering. I'd also like to comment on how great your description is in all of your novels. It really makes me feel as if i'm actually there and witnessing these high suspence, thrilling scenes. One question I have for you is, where do you get your inspiration from? Your books just get me hooked like no other, and by no other I mean no other, I don't really enjoy reading. but for some reason your novels catch me in an angle i'm not used to. I am really looking forward to getting another book by you, and I hope you write many more thrillers like Runner so I have books to read for book reports for all the years to come.



Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Runner- Post 6


I am so sorry about what happened to your father. There was really nothing you could do. This issue was completely out of your hands and into these dirty terrorists hands. In my opinion, although it was a great tragedy for your father to die, he died exactly the way he'd always wanted to, A HERO. Chance he saved hundreds or thousands of people, because those terrorists were targeting an area or boat with alot of people in it. By killing one of the men and causing the terrorists to detonate early, your dad risked his ONE life to save THOUSANDS of others. You may be extremely sad now, but I know for a fact that in no less that ten years, you will begin to realize the great good your father did with this action. I would also like to remind you of the recognition he got for this. His funeral was the biggest there has ever been in your city, and state as a matter of fact. This really goes to show how much of a hero he was. Bieng a man of the army (most importantly a loyal member of the army), your father would have never let a band of terrorists get away with such an awful thing, so as soon as i heard he was on the bot by himself with terrorists and plastic explosives, I personally knew it was the end for him. He risked his life for so many others, and i realize your greif, but I think you should be proud of that courageous man and what he did for the world.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Runner- Post 5

Dear Chance,

Well, you're oficially in the biggest trouble I think you'll ever be in your entire lifespan. Chance, they killed the fat guy, they're going to come and kill you now. This is no joke. I think it is very smart of you to keep on going about the same routine every day to try to keep letting them know (just incase theyre watching you) that you aren't throwing any curveballs at them and that you are sticking directly to the plan. My biggest concern right now is your father. Chance you need to let him know what exactly is happening and you need to do that right away. He could be in severe danger becuase of your bad actions. If one day he's drinking a little too much and these terrorists or smugglers or whoever they are happen to come by and get in a fight with him, you could be risking losing your father. My main advice to you is to somehow inform the police department about whats going on becuase if you don't and they come for you, there will be nothing your father, Mellisa's father, or anyone else will be able to do about it. A second piece of advice I have for you is to take a peek at whats in those "different packages," and see if it's really "gems' as the fat guy told you before he committed scuicide or got murdered. Just cut one open and check, becuase if they are not gems, who knows what they could be. I've heard that plastic explosives have that feel to them too, so you might want to get on that. I hope you get out of this okay Chance. You've got alot of work to do.

All the best,


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Runner- Post 4

Dear Chance,

You are in deep, deep trouble my friend. You have gotten yourself into a situation that is going to be very difficult to get out of. These smugglers/terrorists/whatever they are have no tolerance for kids like you getting in their way. My advise to you is to get away, as far from the Pier as possible, and try to catch a plane out becuase you are simply in deep shit. Listen to me Chance, the fat guy didnt commit scuicide, don't you think he would have been acting more depressed if he wanted to committ scuicide. The smugglers killed him, and now i guarantee that since you are involved in the same scheme, and you probobly know everything the fat guy knew, they are after you too. Chance, I warned you in last weeks letter to get the hell out of this mess, and you chose to keep at it. You really chose money over life. Now with hind sight bieng 20/20, tell me if it was the right decision. Chance, my best advice now is to simply stay low, and try to find and introduce yourself the the creepy men before they try to find and introduce themselves to you. The last thing you want them to think is that you are scared, because then they can easilly take advantage of you and threaten you in ways you cant even imagine Chance. Go say hi to them and ask them whats going on and what you can do to help. Make friends, don't get them on your bad side, because they will kill you if your drive them over the edge. I hope the best for you man.

Good luck,


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Runner- Post 3

Dear Chance Taylor,

Oh boy have you gotten yourself into a situation. Chance you need to quit this package delivering right awayo or if that isnt possible, as soon as you can. Listen, I know you need that money and all to support yourself and your father, and I 100% realize that you are in a finacial situation right now, but let me tell you, once you get into these messes with drug dealers/ other bad people, it's very difficult to get out. The fat man will begin to count on you more and more until you're practicaly his slave (except you're getting paid). I realized his control over you when you accepted to take the "different looking" packages to your house and store them. Chance, this could be a major trap. When the man mapped out your running routine, I don't know about you, but I was freaked out. This man has been following you around and if I were you I would not get confortable around him. My advice is to hand around kids like Melissa. She plans on having a solid future and could be getting into stanford. Don't you want to end up sucessful in the long run? I know money is tight, but i advise you to stop working for those huge chunks of cash, because obviously the fat man does well in his business in order to pay you under the table like that. Get your restaurant job back and study your ass of man. After college, that way, things will lighten up and you'll have an easier time finding a job. All the best to you Chance, and I hope you make the right decisons.

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Runner-Post 2

Dear Chance,

First of all, I would like to say that I am extremely impressed with your maturity level. You seem to be almost getting your dad right back on track, and that isn't even your job. You're his son, and you are helping him get his life straight. You seem very procupied with the bills and payments lately though and I was going to say that maybe you should relax a bit. You really are stressing yourself out over all these family payments that your dad can't make, and I don't believe that is fair. You should be studying hard right now so that you can get into a good school and get a good job when your older, not begging to get a better hourly wage job now just so that you can keep bread on the table. My advice to you is to instruct your father that he needs to get a job or else you are going to look into a better place for yourself to live. He seems to have no incentive to find work right now, and I reccommend you give him that incentive. Also, I think it's very mature of you to get the food stamp application form and fill it out to make you and your father eligible. You are almost taking your family into your hands, and although that is important, it should be your fathers job, so get him back on track, and get on with your studies, because if you want to be sucessful, unlike him, you need to do well in school. I hope this helps you out, and until next time.



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Runner-Post 1

Dear Chance,

I think it was really brave of you to stick up for Melissa in the classroom, even though you were terrified to death of Miller. I know and you know that he just didn't have anything to do with his life, and probobly would've ended up in prison, so he joined the army. Don't worry about it at all, the kid is a failure, and all you need to do is keep focus on your life. I have two words of advice for you Chance. The first is, try your hardest not to get into Millers way. You saw what he can do to you after that bathroom incident long ago, and believe you me, you want to avoid anything like that again. The retaliator gets blamed just as much as the person who started the fight more often than not. My second word of advice is to keep some friendships going in your life. I know your a busy kid, but its important to have a couple kids to hang out with in school and outside of school. Mellissa seems like a good friend, and I reccommed you try to hang out with her some more and become good friends. She seems to have taken a liking in you, and I can tell just from these first chapters that you two have very similar views in life (based from the classroom experience against Miller and while you were talking at the coffee shop. The first chapters I read were great and i'm looking forward to hearing more about your experiences.

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3/26 (Week 6), Post B

Dear Arnold,

I am so sorry about your sisters tragic death, and from reading the book I could almost tell something like this was going to happen in the near future. You talk so much about how indians on the rez drink way too much and that they die at an extremely rapid rate due to alcohol. I could see a tragedy due to alcohol coming in your life. I was exremely impressed though at your recovery. You took it hard, but not hard to the extent in which you can't bear to live anymore. I know how much you loved your sister, but life doesn't slow down for you. When you think about it, your sister ran away to start her own life and be succesful, you need to do the same to cover for what she can no longer do. True she left mainly because she saw you go to Reardan and decided to take action herself, but in no way should you ever even think about putting the blame upon yourself for her leaving and death. It Was HER CHOICE and you just set an example ahead of time. Drinking was completely her decision, and i am terrily sorry for that loss. As I was saying, she left to do the same thing you have in mind, to get a decent life away from the rez and poverty. You must set your heart at going to school and getting the grades you need to go to a good college, and from there the path is paved for you. I saw your freshman report card and it was quite impressive, a couple A's, A-'s and a few B's, but its no big problem, the important thing is you keep improving every day and graduate as a confident man ready to overcome his lifestyle on the rez and live decent life with a decent or great income, all depending on how you go about everything now. Hope you do well Arnold, and all the best to you.

Sincerely, Goodbye

Arman Shahriar

3/26 (Week 6), Post A

Quote and Significance:

"Don't you ever drink, my mother said to me. She slapped me. Once, twice, three times. She slapped me HARD. (pg208)" This is an extremely significant quote because when Arnolds sister died, his mother was quite upset and so was the rest of the character list in the book that knows Arnold. These last 30 pages were mainly set around mourning his sister and the rebirth of his friendship with Rowdy. This quote though stands for the characters as a whole, very upset about Mary's death.

Emerging/ Last Theme:

The last theme that I see in this book is companionship leads to success. When one has friends, one can suceed. WIthout Rowdy Arnold would really be nothing. Rowdy brightens up his day when he's down and cracks him up a bit. Rowdy deserves full credit for Arnold's recovery of his sisters death and Rowdy seems to really be letting go of his jealousy and bieng proud of Arnold for once, which is going to clear up one more roadblock for Arnold and will push him to success.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3/19 (Week 5), Post B

Dear Arnold,

I am really quite impressed with all of your newest achievements at Reardan high school ever since you transferred there. First off, id like to mention your amazig basketball achievements. I know you were never the star athelete, but really, you've come a long way at Reardan. You are starting on varsity for goodness sakes, and you are scoring 12 points a game, all as a freshman. I think your coach is right saying you might achieve all state honors in a few years. Just keep up the hard work and keep shooting from the perimeter is all i have to say. You seem to have a knack for the jump shot, so work to your advantage, keep taking it. By the way, just to comment on your performance against Rowdy in the rematch between Reardan and Wellpinit, you really pulled it off. It doesn't matter how many points you scored, you held a player who's virtually been unstoppable this year (averaging 25 points per game), to only four points. That is nothing for Rowdy, and i think you both know that. I was going to say though, and I know you noticed too, you are beginning to lose your friendship with the kid. You really have to make a move soon and try to get Rowdy back, otherwise, I'm just getting the feeling that the next 3 years in high school are going to be hell for you. You're going to be going to Reardan every day, leaving your old best bud behind, and on top of that, kicking his butt in basketball. My advice to you is (if this isn't too out of the park); try to get Rowdy to join you in your journey to the outside world (Reardan). Persuade him or his parents to let him come to Reardan so he can meet new kids and be the sport star he was meant to be, and better yet, you'll be playing ball with him for years to come. Just throwing it out there. I have about 40 pages left and i'm really looking forward to it.

Thanks, Sincerely,


3/19 (Week 5), Post A

Quote and Significance:

"Im guarding you tonight, it's my night." (pg191). This quote is very significant in this part of the book because Arnold is finally stepping up to his jerk "old best friend" in the basketball game and showing him that he is not scared of standing up to him anymore and that he has become a totally new person ever since he started attending Reardan.

Emerging Theme:

An emerging theme/existing through the chapters i just read, is toughening out the hard times in life and moving on. Arnold's grandmother just died and it is extremely sad that he has to deal with that and the new school at once, but his friends are supportive in school and help put the asshole teacher that makes fun of him in her place. He needs to learn to move on, because im sure that his grandmother wanted him to be sucessful and leave the rez just as he did, and i'll see what he is going to do with his life from here on out.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3/12 (Week 4), Post B

Dear Arnold,

You are a real trooper man, stepping out onto that basketball court and taking all that crap from those people who have already messed up their lives on the rez. You even ended up with a concussion and you told coach you'd step out there and play at any minute against those guys. I thought that was very mature of you not to fight back at the indians on the rez for abusing you in that way, you simply left, got 3 stitches and came back, only to get pummeled to the floor by your old best friend. I have some advice for you Arnold, you should really try to gain Rowdy's friendship back, because if you do, he can manipulate the kids in school to like you again, and like you said, the whole rez is connected together, all those kids will tell their parents and all will be good again. The way i reccomend you do this is by doing something dangerous with Rowdy, something you know he can't resist. Something that takes alot of gut that will get him thinking more about the dangers and less about hating you. I'd say if you lived in my neighborhood time take him skydiving, but that is probobly unavailable to you, so maybe try something like rock climbing or of that risky nature. You are really going to need this kid to be on your side again, and i can tell he can be easilly manipulated. He's just under the impression right now that you don't want to be around him/look down on him, and the day he realizes that this isn't true is the day you will be buds again. I really enjoyed those last 40 pages, and until next time.



3/12 (Week 4), Post A

Quote and Significance:

"Penelope and I became a hot topic in Reardan.(pg156)" This quote is extremely significant because it really outlines the whole section that i just read. Arnold begins to almost "date" Penelope, the most popular girl in school, and bieng a kid who started with no friends, he really rises up in the social chart, and above all, Roger, the huge stud of the school, who he punched in the face earlier, becomes friends with him.

Emerging theme:

An emerging theme through this section is Learning to choose the right friends. Arnold has Roger and the whole white Reardan kids on his right, and old pal Rowdy on his left. He is going to either have to adjust to both or drop one or the other. It's going to be a close call for him but it is a theme because friendship in generall is key in this book for Arnold.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

3/5 (Week 3), Post B

Dear Junior,

I see that you are beginning to realize that there are many differences between life on your rez and life in the "rich community." I think that punching Roger was a great learning lesson for you and that you have actually, believe it or not, benefited from that experience. Im glad you've found Gordy to be a good friend, and although he is a little bit stuck up, you are going to have to adapt to "high culture." School seems to be coming along easier for you now that you've been going to Reardan for awhile, but you cannot give up. You must keep up the work and as Gordy is telling you, continue to add to your knowledge by reading, writing, and paying extra attention in class. I have some advice for you though, try to chat a little bit more with Roger, he seems to like you, and if you can get him on your side i can almost guarantee that you will have half of the school's population of boys on your side as well. Roger seems to have realized after that little "incident" you had with him that some kids really aren't scared of him and he seems to appreciate you and your background. Penelope also seems to like you, even though you lied a little bit with her. Getting more friends isn't too hard when the two most popular kids in school like you, and knowing at this point in time that Roger and Penelope do, you should be able to get on the right social track (if that's something you're concerned about). All in all, keep up the good schoolwork and congrats on your sucessful transfer to Reardan, you seem to be on the right track.



3/5 (Week 3), Post A

Quote and significance:

" 'You punched me,' Roger said. His voice thick with blood. 'I cant believe you punched me.'(pg 102) " This quote is extremely significant to this section of the book because Junior is just getting adapted to his new school in Reardan when he gets into a brawl with one of the toughest boys in school. The boy was making fun of Junior when all of the sudden Junior punched him smack in the face and made him bleed. The boy (Roger) showed great fear of Junior because at this all white school, violence is hardly ever brought up in fights and it was unusual for someone to punch.

Emerging Theme:

One Emerging theme thus far is Learning to adapt. Junior punched Roger in the face and although he was scared to death even asked Roger to finish the fight, simply because thats how it was done on the rez. But junior has come to realize that violence is not how they solve problems in a white school like Reardan and he's going to have to adapt to the culture there.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2/27 (Week 2), Post B

Dear Junior (or Arnold Spirit as i've found your name to be),

You have made an extremely wise choice in switching schools i believe becuase it gives you a taste of competition in the wold for careers and you will be much better off in the long run getting a proper/formal education and not screwing off in the reservation. One piece of advice I have for you is to try your hardest not to get involved in any fist fights at Reardan, because once these white boys see you are asking for it, they will come at you and you won't be able to stop them. So let them tease youm let them make fun of you, but don't ever use those rules you stated on page 61 about always having to fight a white kid if they try to fight you. Only pull out the fists if neseccary (and i mean only when nesecary, i'm telling you they're only looking for the slightest sign of anger in you and they will beat the crap out of you) Stay calm and go about with your business not minding them. I also would like to compliment you on your assertiveness with your parents in switching schools. You showed them that you do not want to end up like them, but in a nice way, without really insulting them. Believe me Junior, they realize everything that you do but they are just too big of failures to do anything about it, it's going to have to be you that makes the change and you are off to a great start. Best of luck to you at Reardan.

Yours truly,

Reader Arman

2/27 (Week 2), Post A

Quote and Significance:

"Who has the most hope?" (45). Junior is really opening his curiosity once Mr.P comes over to his porch and talks soem sense about life into him. Junior wants to transfer schools becuase he realizes that kids at white schools have more hope and oppertunity than kids on the reservation.

Emerging Theme:

Thus far through page 65 a major emerging theme is learning to fight discrimination. Junior is going to be (and currently is) the only indian kid in the whole Reardan school. All of the white kids stare at him and he is made fun of constantly. If he's going to suceed in the school and life in general in the outside world (outside the rez), he's going to have to handle discrimination and ignore it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2/20 (Week 1), Post B

Dear Junior,

I believe that you are a kid with alot of potential based off how you've described yourself thus far, but you have alot to live "down to." Your parents (no offense), are failures and if you're going to change that you need to step up, rise beyond your childhood, and start looking towards the future. You cannot be dwelling over things like your head, your appearance, and even your pleasure (although sometimes it's important). Think about if you want a great, sucessful future or you want one or two friends that will always be with you in that raggety old box you'll be living in soon enough. I see you have a keen interest in Geometry based on your reactions to seeing the book, but you throwing the book at your teacher (pg.31) ain't going to help you suceed later in life. Take events as they come and don't try to rush things Junior, but keep in mind everything you do now will effect your future directly. Also i have one last piece of advice for you, don't take it too seriously if those 30 year old loosers try to eat you up, the only reason they're trying to do that is because they know they've already lost in life and have no chance at getting back into it. You do my friend, keep that in mind. Hope you keep moving along well.



2/20 (Week 1), Post A

Quote and Significance:

"I was born with water on the brain." (pgs.1 and 2). This quote really sums up the first section of my book because Junior was born with extra "brain grease" around his brain so at a young age he had to have it sucked out. He has an enormous head and many kids make fun of him, and he talks alot about how he suffers from siezures and other disorders due to his brain problems

Emerging Theme:

One emerging theme thus far has been standing up for yourself. Junior is going to have to learn to protect himself and stand up for himself, otherwise he's going to live a life of poverty and shame just like his parents are now.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Top Ten List

Top Ten things to know (somewhat spoils the book but thats what Mr Hatten wanted) about Gym Candy, by Carl Deuker.

10) The Main characters best friend, Drew. Micks best friend who came on and off as a friend throughout the book (Drew) was crucial to his health. With the drugs and things that Mick did throughout the book he needed someone like Drew constantly there for him because he could easilly slip into depression. Drew is very friendly, caring, and wants the best for his friends. He's the starting quarterback.

9) The Problem. The problem that the main character (Mick Johnson) fights throughout this novel is steroid use. He wants to become bigger, faster, and stronger for the football season so he can be a starting running back, but he is having trouble getting these results. At a local "fancy" Gym Popeyes, he comes across and instructor (Peter) who introduces him and gets him on the first steroids. "These will get you the results you want in a fourth of the amount of time Mick, the question is, are you ready for them?" (pg201). Here, Peter (the trainer) is first getting him on D-Bol, one type of steroids. He goes on harsher ones throughout the book.

8) Expostion. "My earliest memory is of an afternoon in June. I was four years old, and I was in the backyard with my dad. He'd just bought me a purple and gold football, my first football. He marked off an area in our backyard with a white chalk line. "Here's how it works."" (pg3). Mick is talking about how football has been really his pride all his life and it is the sport he loves and was raised with. For the first 50 pages or so he explains how football/making the highschool team/and moving on from there have always been his goals in life.

7) Rising Action. Mick Johnson becomes more and more anxious to gain muscle mass and get stronger throughout the book. The rising action really is all of the events that lead to his decision to use steroids. The main one being when he was put into the varsity football game with 10 minutes left, had a long drive to the 3 yard line, and it was 4th and goal. He got the ball, went into the pile and was hit and smashed down. His team lost the game because of him and he then realized he must get stronger so he can break that tackle in the future.

6) Climax. "Dad I really would now like to consider that offer you gave me to go to Popeye's, and i promise i wont call the trainers gay..." (pg190). At Popeye's after while his trainer Peter offers him D-bol, the lowest amateur grade of anabolic steroids. He excitedly accpets and begins his dreadful experience. Although he gets stronger, he keeps upgrading the intensity of his 'roids until he reaches the injections and decided to take them up.

5) Falling Action. Mick's life really dies out after he begins with the steroids. He begins to grow man-boobs and zits all over his chest, and refuses to go to the beach with the girl that could have been his girlfriend. All he focuses on is lifting and football to prepare for the next season. Come football season he is a dominant force. He leads the team to be 14-0 with an average of 3 touchdowns a game when he plays. He suffers from depression frequently, and often asks himself wether or not its worth doing, but he stays with the steroids.

4) Resolution. "Mick, you're using steroids aren't you?" (pg287). Quotes his best friend Drew. Drew suspected Mick was using them and asked him to take a walk out to the beach and talk. Mick brings a revolver with himself knowing no one else can find out about it and if Drew wasn't prepared to keep a secret he was planning on shooting him. Drew kept saying that hes going to turn Mick in because he needs help, and Mick held the gun up to Drew. Drew just walked away, and Mick began to think what's the point, im finished, and the steroids really took over his body and he fired the gun into his own head, Luckily grazing his forhead due to his unsteady hand.

3) Epilouge. Mick woke up in the hospital, and shortly after went to rehab due to his actions. His parents were scared to death and he wasn't sure what was going through his head other than the steroids. His body had been completely taken over and he had no control. Drew had been a pal and quickly driven Mick to the hospital when he shot his own head even though Drew didnt even know how to drive. The book ends with Mick thinking to himself, "I can be back on that stuff within one hour and these suckers don't even know it," knowing he can get right back on the steroids, but the question is will he?

2) Mick Johnson. The main round character of the novel, Mick is a highly focused and determined young man (age 16). He is smart and a good athelete, but can never resist improving even if he has to do unnecessary things such as take steroids. He is a person who is fine bieng alone and doesn't particularily favor social events and gatherings/parties. His alltime highschool goal thus far was to be starting halfback (running back) and win the championship, which he did accomplish, but cheated to do so.

1) Self-Discipline (the most important/main theme). Discipline came into play more times than i could ever imagine in this novel. Mick needed to be dicsipline enough to not take the steroids, which he did take, which showed his lack of self discipline. He needed to be discipline on the football field when his anger came over his body and he felt like tackeling the other teams linebacker for stopping him and intercepting the ball, but he wasn't and he got suspended from the team for one week. And lastly, he needs to be discipline enough to not start taking and using steroids again after learning his lesson, and i'd have to read the sequil to find out.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

W7 B (pgs 250-313)

Dear Mr. Deuker,

I just finished reading the novel and i have come to a great conclusion about your writing. You wrote this book in my opinion to tell young men about how terrible steroids can be for you and how much you will regret using them more than you did just to write a novel, and i really respect that. Considering with the growing number of steroid users thesedays, you never know how many people could be affected by this book. I, for one, have been greatly influenced by this novel. While reading this novel i kept saying to myself why does this author have such a lack of voacabulary and more in depth thought, until i reached the end where Mick tried to kill himself when i realized you werent writing this book to win a scholastic prize, but in my opinion to change and alter the mindsets of many young men. This was one of the easier reads ive had thus far in my life, but by far the most influential. Micks experience with steroids has really made me hate steroids, and truly i realized this in the very end when even after his near death, he says "I could be back on that stuff in one hour and none of these people know it, I could be getting bigger, faster, stronger by the second!" It shows that the roids have left a lifelong impact and desire on him that he will have to fight off or possibly give into which will lead to more problems. Overall a fantastic read, thank you very much'

Yours truly,


W7 A (pgs 250-313)


1)Teratoma (pg300): A tumor made up of different kinds of tissue
2)Finned (pg 288): Having one or more fins

Figurative Language:

1) "I felt the wind breeze swoosh as he passed by me" (pg 267) (onomatopoea) Swoosh sounds like the word in real life
2) "Like the day it all started i felt a calm feeling throughout my whole body." (pg 297) (similie) Compares using the word "like"
3) "Mick, watching you last night was as difficult for me as watching yourr grandmother pass away. I felt as if i was losing you right there." (pg 290) (simile) Compares using word "As"


"The anger went away. The fear went away. i put the revolver to my temple, felt the coldness of the muzzle there, took a deep breath, took another one, and pulled the trigger." (pg 297). The steroids had taken over Micks body and he felt cold and helpless. The night of this quote he attmepted to commit scuicide due to all the depression and regret he was going through. It is by far the most important quote of the book because it really sums the whole point up.

Last Theme:

Restart. Mick must regain the trust of all his friends/companions, and re-place himself in society after such a tragic accident as trying to kill himself. He must begin to socialize with friends and replace himself in society. In the end of the book he debates with himself wether or not to use steroids again because he knows how easy it is to get his hands on them.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

W6 B (191-250)

Dear Carl Deuker,

This section of the book has really been the most crucial to me thus far. I am emmensely enjoying the thoughts and descriptions of Mick you are throwing around constantly. I am beginning to realize that maybe he doesnt want to cheat and has some personal conscience inside of him telling him that it is wronh to cheat just to impress a coach or your father. He is finally beggining to come to his senses and not bieng an idiot and taking the sterroids too far. In the last scene that i read, Mick has been given some XCR which is the drug that a famous biciclist had gotten disqualified from the Tour de France for using. It again (just like the stack) is an injector and requires a needle. I think it is very interesting how show how much more energy Mick had that Dave Kane and the real impact that the drug did to him in the last quarter when he scores a touchdown but the play got called back due to DeShawns false start, and Mick charged at him for 50 yards but came to his senses and slowed off. You really show the 'roid rage better than ive ever seen showed before, and Mick has really been the perfect character to show it and demonstrate the terribleness of these drugs. I think that you may have gone a bit overboard on the rage part, but i cant be sure considering i dont do sterroids. You may have exxaturated his anger just a bit, but it really comes out that way to me.

Thank you again and i look forward to the last section.


W6 A (191-250)


1) Caress (pg 196): The act or gesture showing affection.
2) Anabolism (pg 244): Constructive metabolism

Figurative language:

1) "Mick you do know what kind of animal this stuff can turn you into right?" (219)(metaphor) A human cant really be turned into an animal, compares w/o using like or as.
2) "Dad i bulldozed through them as if i was a pro and they were all amatures!" (244)(personification) Humans cant be a bulldozer, unhumanistic traits given to a human.
3) "Read it like a book" (246)(simlie) Compares with the word "like"


"So youre just gonna' stop like that? Mick you know you will start to lose muscle mass and will quickly become weaker." "Yeah I know, i just want it to be me making the plays, not some drug." (pg 233) This quote came across to me as a change in Micks perspective. He used to want to keep injecting and taking 'roids, but once football started up he is beginning to feel guilty that he cheated and has an unfair advantage.


Regret! Mick is deealing with the consequence of regret that he ever did sterroids and is having to fight the urge of anger he has alot of the time now. Regret is something he will never be able to get rid of and will live with forever due to his poor desicion.